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Monetizing Innovation

business & management

business & management

1082 books
Today, more than ever, companies need to innovate to survive. But successful innovation—measured in dollars and cents—is a very hard target to hit. Companies obsess over being creative and innovative and spend significant time and expense in designing and building products, yet struggle to monetize them: 72% of innovations fail to meet their financial targets—or fail entirely. Many companies have come to accept that a high failure rate, and the billions of dollars lost annually, is just the cost of doing business. Innovating Around Customer Demand argues that this is tragic, wasteful, and wrong. The authors argue that radically improving the odds that your innovation will succeed is just a matter of removing the guesswork. That happens when you put customer demand and willingness to pay in the driver seat—when you design the product around the price. ”
Innovation and Pricing

In 'Monetizing Innovation', Madhavan Ramanujam emphasizes the importance of integrating pricing into the innovation process from the start. He argues that companies often make the mistake of developing a product first and then determining its price, which can lead to failure. Instead, he suggests that pricing should be a part of the product development process.

Customer Willingness to Pay

Ramanujam highlights the importance of understanding your customer's willingness to pay. He suggests that companies should research and explore what customers value in a product and how much they are willing to pay for it. This will help in setting a price that maximizes profits while also satisfying customers.

Different Pricing Models

The book 'Monetizing Innovation' encourages readers to look into different pricing models. Ramanujam explains that there isn't a one-size-fits-all pricing model, and companies should find the one that best suits their product and target market. He provides examples of various pricing models and their pros and cons.

Failures in Monetizing Innovation

Madhavan Ramanujam also discusses the common reasons why companies fail to monetize their innovations. He points out that companies often overlook the importance of pricing, fail to understand their customers, or choose the wrong pricing model. By understanding these pitfalls, companies can avoid them and successfully monetize their innovations.

Case Studies

In 'Monetizing Innovation', you'll find a variety of case studies that illustrate the principles Ramanujam discusses. These real-world examples provide valuable insights into how successful companies have monetized their innovations. They serve as practical guides for implementing the strategies and avoiding the mistakes discussed in the book.


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