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304 pages, 2018



1382 books

The bestselling and critically acclaimed debut novel by Lisa Halliday, hailed as “extraordinary” by The New York Times, “a brilliant and complex examination of power dynamics in love and war” by The Wall Street Journal, and “a literary phenomenon” by The New Yorker. 

Told in three distinct and uniquely compelling sections, Asymmetry explores the imbalances that spark and sustain many of our most dramatic human relations: inequities in age, power, talent, wealth, fame, geography, and justice. 

The first section, “Folly,” tells the story of Alice, a young American editor at a New York City publishing company who becomes romantically involved with Ezra Blazer—a much older man who is also a famous writer. 

A tender and exquisite account of an unexpected romance that takes place in New York during the early years of the Iraq War—it also suggests an aspiring novelist’s coming-of-age. By contrast, “Madness” is narrated by Amar—an Iraqi-American man who, on his way to visit his brother in Kurdistan remains stuck at JFK International Airport for 12 hours as he watches protestors surround the airport against Trump's recent immigration ban.

Exploring the Power of Asymmetry

Lisa Halliday's Asymmetry is a fascinating exploration of the power dynamics in relationships. It's a deep dive into how imbalances in age, talent, and cultural background can shape our interactions and experiences.

Understanding Different Perspectives

One of the key takeaways from Asymmetry is the importance of understanding different perspectives. Halliday masterfully weaves together two seemingly unrelated stories, encouraging readers to see the world through different lenses.

The Art of Storytelling

Halliday's Asymmetry is a masterclass in storytelling. She skillfully intertwines two distinct narratives, keeping readers engaged and curious. If you're interested in the art of storytelling, this book is a must-read.

Exploring Cultural Differences

Asymmetry takes a hard look at cultural differences and the challenges they present. It's a thought-provoking exploration of how our backgrounds shape our experiences and perceptions.

The Complexity of Human Relationships

Asymmetry is a deep dive into the complexity of human relationships. It explores how power dynamics, cultural differences, and personal histories can shape our interactions. If you're interested in understanding human relationships on a deeper level, this book is a great place to start.

Quotes 5

Asymmetry is a novel of deceptive lightness and a sort of melancholy joy. Lisa Halliday writes with tender laugh-aloud wit.

Dwight GarnerDwight Garner - Book Critic

Asymmetry is extraordinary, and the timing of its publication seems almost like a feat of civics as well as literature.

Ann PatchettAnn Patchett - Award-winning Novelist

Asymmetry is a guidebook to being bigger than ourselves. The novel truly belongs to our time.

Zadie SmithZadie Smith - Contemporary Novelist

Asymmetry is a striking and singular debut, a puzzling beautiful book, large in the force of its ideas and the range of its sympathies.

James WoodJames Wood - Literary Critic

Asymmetry is a literary event. Halliday has written, somehow all at once, a transgressive roman a clef, a novel of ideas and a politically engaged work of metafiction.

Kirkus ReviewsKirkus Reviews - Book Review Magazine
Dwight GarnerAnn PatchettZadie SmithJames WoodKirkus Reviews


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Cleo Abram

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