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Cyrano de Bergerac

460 pages, 2018



1382 books
This is Edmond Rostand's immortal play about chivalry, wit, bravery, and love captured in the timeless spirit of romance. Set in Louis XIII's reign, it is a moving and exciting drama about one of the finest swordsmen in France, a gallant soldier, and a brilliant wit with the face of a clown. Rostand's extraordinary lyric powers gave birth to a universal hero—Cyrano De Bergerac—as well as ensured his own status as an author of one of the best-loved plays in the literature of the stage.
The Power of Unrequited Love

In Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond Rostand explores the theme of unrequited love. Cyrano's love for Roxane is deep and enduring, even though she doesn't return his feelings. This shows us the power of love and how it can drive us to do extraordinary things, even when it's not reciprocated.

The Importance of Inner Beauty

Rostand makes us see that true beauty lies within. Cyrano, despite his large nose, is a man of great wit, bravery, and eloquence. His inner beauty shines through, making him more attractive than any handsome face could. This book encourages us to look beyond physical appearances and appreciate the beauty within.

The Value of Honesty

Cyrano de Bergerac is a story that emphasizes the importance of honesty. Cyrano is honest to a fault, even when it hurts him. He refuses to lie about his feelings or his appearance, showing us that honesty is a virtue that should be valued.

The Tragedy of Miscommunication

Miscommunication can lead to tragic outcomes, as we see in this book. Cyrano's inability to express his love for Roxane leads to a series of misunderstandings and heartbreaks. This encourages us to be open and clear in our communication to avoid unnecessary pain.

The Courage to Be Yourself

One of the key messages in Cyrano de Bergerac is the courage to be yourself. Despite societal pressures, Cyrano remains true to himself, showing us the importance of authenticity. This book inspires us to embrace our uniqueness and not be afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Quotes 5

Cyrano de Bergerac is a masterful play that transcends time, a true testament to the power of love and the human spirit.

George Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw - Playwright, Critic

Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac is a work of genius, a poignant exploration of love and honor.

Oscar WildeOscar Wilde - Poet, Playwright

Cyrano de Bergerac is a triumph of literature, a timeless tale of courage and romance.

VoltaireVoltaire - Philosopher, Writer

Cyrano de Bergerac is a masterpiece, a stirring narrative of love and valor.

Victor HugoVictor Hugo - Novelist, Dramatist

Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac is a brilliant work, a moving tale of love and sacrifice.

Charles DickensCharles Dickens - Writer, Social Critic
George Bernard ShawOscar WildeVoltaireVictor HugoCharles Dickens


Aubrey Marcus

Aubrey Marcus

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