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Great House

304 pages, 2010



1382 books

Great House is the story of a desk and its owners. The desk belongs to a family that has lived in a house in Jerusalem for many generations. It was once part of a great house, itself built on the ruins of an even greater house. 

In the retelling of this history, the desk takes on magical properties: it brings people back to what they have lost but not forgotten; it separates them from their loved ones; it draws them towards dangerous and hidden causes. 

Under its magic, it seems to be omniscient, able to reach into people's pasts and present. But under its spell people are also left with painful memories: sadly for them, these do come true, because what is remembered does become real.

Exploring the Power of Memory

Great House by Nicole Krauss is a deep exploration of the power of memory. It shows us how our past experiences and memories can shape our present and future. It's a great reminder to cherish our memories, as they are a part of who we are.

Understanding the Impact of Loss

The book takes us on a journey through the lives of characters who have experienced profound loss. It's a powerful reminder that loss can change us in ways we never imagined. It encourages us to find strength in our struggles and to keep moving forward.

The Significance of Objects

Nicole Krauss uses a desk to symbolize the connection between different characters in the book. This shows us how seemingly ordinary objects can hold extraordinary significance in our lives. It encourages us to look at the world around us in a new light.

The Complexity of Human Relationships

Great House explores the complexity of human relationships. It shows us that relationships can be messy and complicated, but they are also what make life meaningful. It's a great book to read if you want to understand more about the human condition.

The Beauty of Prose

Nicole Krauss's writing style is beautiful and poetic. She has a unique way of describing things that makes you see the world in a different way. If you're a fan of beautiful prose, you should definitely check out Great House.

Quotes 3

Great House is a high-wire performance, only the wire has been replaced by an exposed nerve, and you hold your breath, and she does not fall.

Michiko KakutaniMichiko Kakutani - Literary Critic

Nicole Krauss's Great House is a smart, serious, sharply-written novel of great care and yearning.

Jonathan Safran FoerJonathan Safran Foer - Novelist

Great House is a stunning, haunting novel, a piece of literature that rewards multiple readings.

Ron CharlesRon Charles - Book Critic
Michiko KakutaniJonathan Safran FoerRon Charles


Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman
