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Great Short Poems

64 pages, 2000



1382 books
arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

This bestselling anthology of short verse offers poetry lovers an impressive sampling of more than 150 masterpieces spanning over 400 years of English and American literary history. 

The poems are long on beauty, power, imagination, and originality. Included are such memorable compositions as John Donne's Death Be Not Proud, Shakespeare When, in disgrace with Fortune and Men's Eyes, On His Blindness by John Milton, William Blakes's The Tyger, Wordsworth's I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, Byron's She Walks in Beauty, Shelleys Ozymandias as well as works by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manly Hopkins, Amy Lowell, William Butler Yeats , Robert Frost , Edna St. Vincent Millay , Langston Hughes , Dylan Thomas , Paul Laurence Dunbar , and many others.

Exploring the Power of Brevity

Paul Negri's Great Short Poems is a testament to the power of brevity. He shows us that a few well-chosen words can convey as much emotion and meaning as a lengthy novel. It's a great reminder that sometimes, less is more.

Diverse Range of Themes

One of the key takeaways from Great Short Poems is the wide range of themes it covers. From love and loss to joy and despair, the book invites you to explore the full spectrum of human emotions.

Appreciation for Different Styles

Negri's book is a great way to develop an appreciation for different poetic styles. He includes works from a variety of poets, each with their unique voice and technique. It's like a crash course in poetry, without the homework!

Inspiration for Aspiring Poets

If you're an aspiring poet, you'll find plenty of inspiration in Great Short Poems. The book is a treasure trove of ideas and techniques to try in your own writing. So, take a look and see what sparks your creativity.

A Journey Through Time

Finally, the book takes you on a journey through time, showcasing poems from different eras. It's fascinating to see how poetry has evolved over the centuries, and how each poet reflects the world around them. So, if you're a history buff, you'll definitely want to check this out.


Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

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