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240 pages, 2016

business & management

business & management

1082 books
Holacracy is a hot management system that turns everyone into a leader. It evens distributes authority and decision-making throughout an organization and defines people not by hierarchy and title, but by roles. Holacracy creates organizations that are fast, agile, and that succeed by pursuing their purpose, not following a dated and artificial plan. And you don't need to do anything crazy – it's really quite the opposite. When you start following Holacracy, you'll learn how to create new structures and ways of making decisions that empower your colleagues – the people who know the most about their work. Some of the many champions of Holacracy include Tony Hsieh (CEO of Zappos.com), Evan Williams (co-founder of Blogger, Twitter, and Medium), and David Allen (known for time management).
Understanding Holacracy

In his book, Brian Johnson introduces us to Holacracy, a new way of running an organization that removes power from a management hierarchy and distributes it across clear roles. It's a system that allows everyone to have a voice and ensures that no idea is left unheard.

The Power of Distributed Authority

Johnson emphasizes the importance of distributed authority. In a Holacracy, power isn't tied to the people at the top. Instead, it's spread out among roles, allowing for more flexibility and responsiveness. This means decisions can be made quickly, without waiting for approval from a single authority figure.

The Role of Clear Structures

Holacracy isn't about chaos or lack of structure. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Johnson shows us that clear structures and rules can actually empower people, giving them the freedom to make decisions and drive change within their roles.

The Importance of Regular Meetings

Regular meetings are a key part of Holacracy. These aren't your typical time-wasting meetings, though. Johnson explains that in a Holacracy, meetings are structured and efficient, focusing on tactical items and governance to keep everyone aligned and moving forward.

Holacracy as a Tool for Evolution

Finally, Johnson sees Holacracy as a tool for organizational evolution. It's not just about changing the way we work, but about allowing organizations to adapt and grow in a rapidly changing world. If you're interested in exploring a new way of running your organization, take a look at Holacracy.

Quotes 3

Holacracy is a revolutionary management system that redefines management and turns everyone into a leader.

Evan WilliamsEvan Williams - Twitter Co-founder

Holacracy is a game changer. It's like getting an upgrade to business class from economy.

Tony HsiehTony Hsieh - Zappos CEO

Holacracy takes the principles from my book 'Getting Things Done' and extends them into the realms of organizational structure and leadership.

David AllenDavid Allen - Productivity Consultant
Evan WilliamsTony HsiehDavid Allen


Bryant Chou

Bryant Chou

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist
Ev Williams

Ev Williams

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist
authorTony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor
authorDavid Allen

David Allen


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204 books

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