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Identity Leadership

272 pages, 2019

business & management

business & management

1082 books


909 books

Identity Leadership, by Stedman Graham, shows readers how they can lead both themselves and others. If we know our purpose in life, we can develop ourselves, according to Graham. The book explains that developing our purpose means first checking our "Authentic Identity," or the core of who we are. 

It also means creating a vision, becoming aware of the roadblocks to achieving this vision, and taking steps to overcome or remove these obstacles. Graham describes his approach as a nine-step program: check your ID; create your vision; develop your travel plan; master the rules of the road; pilot the seasons of change; build your dream team; win by a decision; commit to your vision; and self-leaders can create a roadmap that leads to personal growth, development, and improvement of performance in every area of life.

Understanding Your Identity

Stedman Graham emphasizes the importance of understanding your own identity. He believes that knowing who you are is the first step towards becoming an effective leader. So, take some time to explore your values, beliefs, and passions.

The Power of Self-Leadership

In Identity Leadership, the author stresses the importance of leading oneself before leading others. He suggests that self-leadership is about taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. So, check your habits and behaviors, are they leading you towards your goals?

Developing a Vision

Graham encourages readers to develop a clear vision for their lives. He believes that having a vision gives you a sense of direction and purpose. So, start by asking yourself, what do you want to achieve in life? What's your vision?

Building Relationships

The book also highlights the importance of building strong relationships. According to Stedman Graham, good leaders know how to connect with others and build meaningful relationships. So, look into your network, are you nurturing your relationships?

Continuous Learning

Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of continuous learning. In Identity Leadership, he suggests that leaders should always be open to new ideas and experiences. So, keep researching, keep learning, and keep growing.

Quotes 3

Stedman Graham's Identity Leadership is a transformative book that encourages self-reflection and personal growth. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to understand their true potential.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Talk Show Host

Stedman Graham's Identity Leadership is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to take control of their life and lead with purpose. It's a game-changer.

Tony RobbinsTony Robbins - Motivational Speaker

Stedman Graham's Identity Leadership is a thought-provoking book that challenges you to step up and lead with authenticity. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to make a difference.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-Founder
Oprah WinfreyTony RobbinsBill Gates


authorArianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington


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