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It's All Too Much

230 pages, 2007



909 books
Organizational expert Peter Walsh reveals the tools for taking control of your physical clutter in order to reclaim your life. Are you surrounded by papers? Overstuffed closets? Are you stepping over toys or searching under piles, and leaving boxes of mementos unopened for years? Do you feel under siege by your belongings? Organizational expert Peter Walsh understands. His proven system for anyone who wants to let go and escape the suffocating clutter in their lives with his good humor and reassuring advice. With his proven system for anyone who wants to let go and escape the suffocating clutter in their lives, he shows you how to face the really big question: What is the vision for the life you want to live?
Understanding Clutter

Peter Walsh explains that clutter is not just physical stuff. It's also an emotional and psychological burden that can hold you back. He encourages readers to explore the reasons behind their clutter and how it impacts their lives.

The Vision Technique

Walsh introduces a method called the 'Vision Technique'. This involves visualizing the life you want to live and then organizing your space to support that vision. It's a great way to start decluttering your life.

The Importance of Letting Go

One of the key messages in 'It's All Too Much' is the importance of letting go. Walsh emphasizes that holding onto things you don't need or use can prevent you from moving forward. He encourages readers to take a hard look at their possessions and decide what truly adds value to their lives.

Practical Tips and Strategies

The book is packed with practical tips and strategies to help you declutter your home and life. From room-by-room guides to advice on dealing with sentimental items, Walsh provides a roadmap for anyone looking to reduce clutter and live more simply.

The Impact of a Clutter-Free Life

Walsh shows how living a clutter-free life can lead to less stress, more freedom, and a greater sense of control. He encourages readers to see the potential benefits of decluttering and to take the first steps towards a more organized, fulfilling life.

Quotes 3

Peter Walsh's book is a game-changer, a life-altering read that will open your eyes to the clutter in your home and help you tackle it once and for all.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Talk show host

Peter Walsh's book is a must-read for anyone looking to declutter their life and create a more organized, stress-free home.

Martha StewartMartha Stewart - Lifestyle guru

Peter Walsh's book is a powerful tool that will help you take control of your life and get rid of the clutter that's holding you back.

Dr. Phil McGrawDr. Phil McGraw - TV psychologist
Oprah WinfreyMartha StewartDr. Phil McGraw


authorKevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly


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