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Lord of Light

257 pages, 1967



1382 books
In the future, Earth has died, and men now rule their own planet, after gaining control of technology and making themselves immortal. Siddhartha, who was once a man on Earth, is the only one who dares to oppose them. He is known as Binder of Demons and Lord of Light.
Exploring the Power of Technology

In Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny shows us a world where technology has advanced to such a degree that it's indistinguishable from magic. This makes us question the role of technology in our own lives and how it can be used for both good and evil.

Questioning Religion and Faith

Zelazny uses his novel to explore the concept of religion and faith. He presents us with characters who have become gods through technology, challenging our understanding of divinity and making us think about the nature of belief.

The Struggle for Freedom

The book's protagonist, Sam, fights against the established order to free the people from the tyranny of the so-called gods. This struggle for freedom is a key theme in the book, encouraging us to consider our own fights for justice and equality.

The Power of Reincarnation

In the world of Lord of Light, reincarnation is a reality. This unique perspective on life and death makes us reflect on our own beliefs about the afterlife and the possibility of rebirth.

Exploring the Human Condition

Despite the fantastical setting, Zelazny's book is ultimately about the human condition. Through his characters, he explores themes of love, power, rebellion, and sacrifice, making us take a closer look at our own lives and relationships.

Quotes 3

Zelazny's Lord of Light is a masterstroke of science fiction, a fusion of eastern mysticism and western pragmatism.

George R. R. MartinGeorge R. R. Martin - Game of Thrones Author

Lord of Light was the first Zelazny book I read. It was, and is, a miracle of storytelling.

Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman - American Gods Author

Zelazny's Lord of Light is a novel of such stunning power, such profound insight, that it leaves you questioning reality itself.

Samuel R. DelanySamuel R. Delany - Science Fiction Writer
George R. R. MartinNeil GaimanSamuel R. Delany


authorNeil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

entrepreneurmedia personalitytechnologyventure capitalist

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