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Modelling Extremal Events

663 pages, 1997

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
This book uses colorful graphs and diagrams to illustrate shapes of distributions. It shows real data examples in many different types of formats.
Understanding Extremal Events

In Modelling Extremal Events, Paul Embrechts provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and predicting extremal events. These are rare occurrences that can have significant impacts, such as natural disasters or financial crashes. Embrechts encourages readers to explore the mathematical models that can help predict these events and mitigate their effects.

Importance of Risk Management

Embrechts emphasizes the importance of risk management in various fields. He suggests that understanding extremal events is crucial for professionals in finance, insurance, and environmental science. By reading this book, you can gain insights into how to manage risks effectively in your field.

Mathematical Models

The book provides a deep dive into the mathematical models used to predict extremal events. Embrechts explains these complex models in a way that's easy to understand, even if you're not a mathematician. You'll find it fascinating to see how these models can predict events that seem unpredictable.

Practical Applications

Modelling Extremal Events isn't just a theoretical book. Embrechts also discusses practical applications of these models. He shows how they can be used in real-world situations, from predicting stock market crashes to planning for natural disasters. This practical focus makes the book a valuable resource for anyone interested in risk management.

In-depth Research

Embrechts' book is based on extensive research. He digs into the latest findings in the field, providing a comprehensive overview of current knowledge about extremal events. If you're interested in this topic, Modelling Extremal Events is a must-read.


authorNassim Nicholas Taleb

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
