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No Bullshit Guide to Math and Physics

528 pages, 2014

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
You'll save time and effort by mastering calculus and mechanics at the same time. This book is the only mathematics book you'll need for a first-year university course in science. You'll build the foundation to study more advanced topics using relevant, real-world examples. In less than 350 pages, you'll cover vector algebra, Cartesian coordinates, trigonometry, derivatives and integrals, infinite series, matrices and determinants, probability theory, vector calculus, and more.
Understanding Math and Physics

Ivan Savov's No Bullshit Guide to Math and Physics breaks down complex concepts into simple, understandable terms. It's a great resource for anyone looking to explore the world of math and physics without getting overwhelmed by jargon and complex theories.

Practical Approach

The book takes a practical approach to learning. Instead of just throwing formulas and theories at you, it shows you how to apply them in real-world situations. This makes it easier to grasp the concepts and see their relevance.

Building a Strong Foundation

Savov emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation in math and physics. He believes that once you understand the basics, you can tackle more complex problems with ease. So, if you're struggling with advanced topics, it might be worth taking a step back and revisiting the basics with this guide.

Learning at Your Own Pace

One of the best things about the No Bullshit Guide to Math and Physics is that you can learn at your own pace. The book is designed to be self-paced, so you can take your time to understand each concept before moving on to the next.

Making Learning Fun

Who said learning math and physics has to be boring? Savov's conversational tone and use of humor make the learning process fun and engaging. So, if you've been putting off studying these subjects because they seem too dry, this book might just change your mind.


Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

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