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Play It Away

168 pages, 2014



909 books
business & management

business & management

1082 books


705 books
Do you feel guilty or anxious when you're not working? Have you stopped playing with your friends? Do all of your daily activities revolve around building a more successful career? Do you have trouble breathing, relaxing, and sleeping? Are you consuming stimulants multiple times per day to hide your exhaustion? Are you sitting still and staring at screens for most of your waking hours? Are you trapped in your own personal hell, and don’t know how to get out? I’ve been there, and I know what it’s like. Shallow breathing, tension in the gut, chest pains, rapid heartbeat… Every moment is exhausting, crushing, and painful. Anxiety destroys your confidence, your productivity, your relationships, and your ability to enjoy life. The worst part is the obsessive hopelessness – the gnawing sense that you’ll never feel happy again.
The Power of Play

In Play It Away, Charlie Hoehn emphasizes the importance of play in our lives. He believes that incorporating play into our daily routine can help us combat stress and anxiety. So, take a look at your schedule and find time for activities that make you happy and relaxed.

Work-Life Balance

Hoehn shares his personal struggle with workaholism and how it led to his anxiety disorder. He encourages readers to strike a balance between work and personal life. It's a reminder that it's okay to take a break and enjoy life outside of work.

The Role of Diet and Exercise

The book also explores the role of diet and exercise in managing stress and anxiety. Hoehn suggests that a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve our mental health. So, check your eating habits and see if you're getting enough physical activity.

The Importance of Sleep

Hoehn stresses the importance of getting enough sleep. He believes that lack of sleep can contribute to anxiety and other mental health issues. So, make sure you're getting enough rest and see how it can positively affect your overall well-being.

The Power of Connection

In Play It Away, the author highlights the importance of human connection. He believes that spending time with loved ones and building strong relationships can help us deal with stress and anxiety. So, take time to connect with the people around you and see how it can improve your mental health.

Quotes 4

Charlie's transformation through the rediscovery of his own innate play nature stands as an example to all who feel stuck in the rat race.

Tim FerrissTim Ferriss - Entrepreneur, Author

Charlie's book is a life-changer. It's a powerful tool for those who feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Ryan HolidayRyan Holiday - Author, Marketer

Charlie's book is a testament to the power of play and its ability to heal and transform lives.

James AltucherJames Altucher - Entrepreneur, Author

Charlie's book is a must-read for anyone who feels trapped in a cycle of stress and anxiety.

Tucker MaxTucker Max - Author, Speaker
Tim FerrissRyan HolidayJames AltucherTucker Max


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entrepreneurmedia personalityauthor
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