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Rage Becomes Her

416 pages, 2019

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Twenty-first-century women are constantly frustrated, confused, and angry--especially because men have been lying to them for centuries. Women are always being told that they should be less angry and more confident, but if they do this, they will never be able to escape the patriarchal hellhole they live in.

This is because anger is fundamental to women's empowerment, and it's not a coincidence that there's hardly ever a successful female political movement without some feminist rioting associated with it. Therefore, women should embrace their anger and use it for social change.

Understanding Women's Anger

In 'Rage Becomes Her', Soraya Chemaly explores the concept of women's anger. She digs into how society often suppresses this emotion in women, leading to a range of negative impacts on their mental and physical health. It's a fascinating look into a topic that's often brushed under the carpet.

The Power of Expression

Chemaly emphasizes the importance of expressing anger. She argues that it's not just a negative emotion, but a tool for communication and a catalyst for change. So, next time you feel angry, don't suppress it. Instead, find a healthy way to express it.

Gender Inequality

The book also takes a deep look into gender inequality. It explores how societal norms and expectations often lead to women's anger being dismissed or trivialized. This is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the deeper issues of gender bias.

The Impact of Suppressed Anger

Soraya Chemaly also explores the impact of suppressed anger on women's health. She finds that it can lead to a range of issues, from depression and anxiety to physical health problems. It's a wake-up call to take women's anger seriously.

The Call for Change

In 'Rage Becomes Her', the author doesn't just highlight the problems. She also calls for change. She encourages women to express their anger and society to listen. It's a powerful call to action that can inspire readers to make a difference in their own lives and the world around them.

Quotes 3

Rage Becomes Her is a powerful exploration of women's anger, its suppression, and the liberation found in embracing this emotion.

Emma WatsonEmma Watson - Actress, Activist

Rage Becomes Her is a compelling and enlightening guide to harnessing female anger for positive change.

Rebecca TraisterRebecca Traister - Author, Journalist

Rage Becomes Her is a crucial book that gives voice to women's anger and, in doing so, makes a stand against its silencing.

Gloria SteinemGloria Steinem - Feminist, Activist
Emma WatsonRebecca TraisterGloria Steinem


Kathryn Minshew

Kathryn Minshew
