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Social Chemistry

368 pages, 2021

business & management

business & management

1082 books
Social Chemistry, Yale professor Marissa King's book released September 24, 2017, offers insights into how the quality of our relationships influences our personal and professional lives. The book explains how to cultivate relationships that are more meaningful, productive, and transformative. There are three networks archetypes—Expansionist, Broker, and Convener—and this knowledge can help individuals address challenges in their own networks.
Understanding Social Networks

In Social Chemistry, Marissa King explores the importance of understanding social networks. She explains that knowing how they work can help us improve our relationships, both personal and professional. It's not just about having a large network, but about having a diverse and well-connected one.

The Three Types of Networks

Marissa King identifies three types of networks in her book - brokers, conveners, and expansionists. Brokers connect different groups, conveners bring people together, and expansionists have large, diverse networks. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding which one you belong to can help you leverage your network more effectively.

The Power of Weak Ties

One of the key takeaways from Social Chemistry is the power of weak ties. These are the connections we have with people we don't interact with regularly. Marissa King's research shows that these weak ties can often be more valuable than our close relationships because they provide access to new information and opportunities.

The Role of Social Networks in Health

Marissa King also looks into the role of social networks in our health. She finds that our social connections can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health. This shows that building and maintaining a strong network isn't just good for our careers, but for our overall well-being too.

Practical Tips for Building Networks

In Social Chemistry, you'll also find practical tips for building and maintaining your network. Marissa King provides advice on how to strengthen weak ties, how to become a better broker, convener, or expansionist, and how to use your network to achieve your goals. It's a must-read for anyone looking to improve their social skills and relationships.

Quotes 3

Marissa King brilliantly illuminates the invisible ties that bind us, and shows how the science of networks can enrich our lives.

Adam GrantAdam Grant - Organizational psychologist

Social Chemistry is a treasure trove of scientific research on how to build meaningful and productive relationships.

Daniel H. PinkDaniel H. Pink - Author, Speechwriter

Marissa King's Social Chemistry will totally change how you think about networking.

Susan CainSusan Cain - Author, Speaker
Adam GrantDaniel H. PinkSusan Cain


authorAdam Grant

Adam Grant


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