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The Craftsman

336 pages, 2008



711 books


194 books
arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

In this thought-provoking book, Richard Sennett explores the work of craftsmen past and present, identifying deep connections between material consciousness and ethical values. The Craftsman is a personal and social history of craftsmanship from antiquity to today, including chapters on learning from masters past, the modern artist, and making music. Sennett writes with passion about Handel’s artisanal labor of musical composition; about Michelangelo’s focus on chisel work that created singular sculpture from marble; about Benjamin Franklin’s developing mastery of printing in colonial Philadelphia; about the artisanal training involved in becoming a full-fledged watchmaker or printer; about how hard it is for professionals to produce good work when clients are not personally involved; about why the nineteenth-century Parisian guilds decided not to include photography among their trades: because taking a photograph required too little skill compared with other forms of visual art. Sennett also pays tribute to several contemporary artists who attempted to make their own cameras, as well as to some writers who took up their pens in order not only to write but also to learn how their writing could be made more perfect through physical action.

Craftsmanship is a Universal Concept

In The Craftsman, Richard Sennett explores the idea that craftsmanship isn't just about manual labor or artistic work. It's a universal concept that applies to all areas of life, from cooking to coding. It's about doing something well for its own sake, and taking pride in your work.

The Importance of Skill and Technique

Sennett emphasizes the importance of skill and technique in craftsmanship. He argues that mastering a craft requires a deep understanding of the tools and materials you're working with. So, if you want to excel in your craft, you need to invest time and effort in learning and perfecting your skills.

The Value of Problem Solving

The Craftsman also highlights the value of problem solving. Sennett believes that a true craftsman is someone who can find creative solutions to problems. This is a skill that can be applied in any field, not just traditional crafts. So, if you're facing a challenge, try to see it as an opportunity to improve your problem-solving skills.

The Role of Community in Craftsmanship

Sennett also explores the role of community in craftsmanship. He suggests that craftsmen often learn from each other, and that this collaborative learning process is crucial for the development of skills and techniques. So, if you're trying to master a craft, don't do it alone. Find a community of like-minded people who can help you grow.

The Connection Between Craftsmanship and Quality of Life

Finally, The Craftsman makes a compelling case for the connection between craftsmanship and quality of life. Sennett argues that the satisfaction derived from doing a job well can lead to a more fulfilling life. So, if you're looking for a way to improve your life, consider taking up a craft and dedicating yourself to mastering it.


Frank Chimero

Frank Chimero
