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The Education of an Idealist

592 pages, 2021

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Samantha Power’s acclaimed memoir is a unique blend of suspenseful storytelling, vivid character portraits, and shrewd political insight.

After her critiques of US foreign policy caught the eye of Senator Barack Obama, he invited her to work with him on Capitol Hill and then on his presidential campaign. When Obama won the presidency, Power went from being an activist outsider to serving as his human rights adviser and, in 2013, becoming the youngest-ever US Ambassador to the United Nations.

Power transports us from her childhood in Dublin to the streets of war-torn Bosnia to the White House Situation Room and the world of high-stakes diplomacy, offering a compelling and deeply honest look at navigating the halls of power while trying to put one’s ideals into practice.

Along the way, she lays bare the searing battles and defining moments of her life, shows how she juggled the demands of a 24/7 national security job with raising two young children, and makes a case for how we each can advance the cause of human dignity.

This is an unforgettable account of the power of idealism—and of one person’s fierce determination to make a difference.

The Power of Idealism

In The Education of an Idealist, Samantha Power shows us that idealism is not a naive concept, but a powerful tool. She encourages us to hold onto our ideals and use them as a driving force to make a difference in the world. So, take a look at your own ideals and see how you can use them to create positive change.

The Importance of Empathy

Power's journey from war correspondent to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations teaches us the importance of empathy. She shows us that understanding and sharing the feelings of others is crucial in making informed decisions and building strong relationships. So, explore the concept of empathy in your own life and see how it can make a difference.

The Role of Resilience

Throughout the book, Samantha Power demonstrates the importance of resilience. She faced numerous challenges and setbacks in her career, but she never gave up. Her story encourages us to be resilient in the face of adversity. So, check out her story and find inspiration to be resilient in your own life.

The Impact of Politics on Everyday Life

The Education of an Idealist gives us a unique insight into the world of politics and its impact on everyday life. Power's experiences show us that politics is not just about policies and laws, but about people and their lives. So, research more about the impact of politics in your own life and see how you can get involved.

The Value of Self-Reflection

Throughout her journey, Samantha Power emphasizes the value of self-reflection. She constantly evaluates her actions, decisions, and their impacts. This book encourages us to take a step back, reflect on our actions, and learn from our mistakes. So, take some time to look into your own actions and learn from them.

Quotes 3

A uniquely personal and absorbing account of our world on the brink, The Education of an Idealist combines gripping storytelling, vivid character portraits and deep political insight.

Barack ObamaBarack Obama - 44th U.S. President

Samantha Power's book is a must-read for anyone interested in our nation's role in the world. It's a brilliant blend of personal, political, and diplomatic history.

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton - Former U.S. Secretary

Samantha Power's memoir is a fascinating insight into the workings of power. It's a compelling and honest account of her time in government.

Madeleine AlbrightMadeleine Albright - Diplomat, Author
Barack ObamaHillary ClintonMadeleine Albright



The Education of an Idealist found in libraries

498 books

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