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The Little White Horse

238 pages, 2001



1382 books

In 1842, thirteen-time-old orphan Maria Merryweather arrives at Moonacre Manor, her family's ancestral home in an entranced vill in England's West Country, and she feels as if she’s entered Paradise. Her new guardian, her uncle Sir Benjamin, is kind and funny; the Manor itself feels like home right down; and every person and beast she meets is like an old friend.

 But there's a commodity incredibly sad beneath all of this beauty and comfort, that shadows Moonacre Manor and the surrounding city. Maria is determined to learn about it, change it, and give her own life story a happy ending. The entranced vale of Moonacre is shadowed by a tragedy that happened times alone, and the memory of the Moon Princess and the mysterious little white steed. 

Determined to restore peace and happiness to the total of Moonacre Valley, Maria finds herself involved with an ancient feud, and she discovers it's her fortune to end it and right the wrongs of her ancestors. Maria generally gets her own way. But what can one solitary girl do? 

The Power of Love and Kindness

Elizabeth Goudge's The Little White Horse emphasizes the importance of love and kindness. The protagonist, Maria, uses these virtues to overcome challenges and restore harmony in her world. This book encourages us to spread love and kindness in our own lives.

The Significance of Self-Discovery

In The Little White Horse, Maria embarks on a journey of self-discovery. She learns about her family's past and her role in shaping the future. This book inspires us to explore our own identities and understand our place in the world.

The Beauty of Nature

Goudge paints a vivid picture of the natural world in The Little White Horse. She invites us to appreciate the beauty of nature and understand its importance. This book encourages us to take a look at our surroundings and find joy in the simple things.

The Importance of Forgiveness

The Little White Horse teaches us about the power of forgiveness. Maria learns to forgive past wrongs and heal old wounds, leading to peace and reconciliation. This book reminds us to let go of grudges and seek forgiveness in our lives.

The Value of Courage

In the face of adversity, Maria shows great courage in The Little White Horse. She bravely confronts her fears and stands up for what she believes in. This book inspires us to be courageous and stand up for our beliefs.

Quotes 2

The Little White Horse was my favorite childhood book. I absolutely adored it. It had a direct influence on my own writing.

J.K. RowlingJ.K. Rowling - Harry Potter Series

I found myself falling in love with Elizabeth Goudge's The Little White Horse. It's a book that has everything: beauty, goodness, and truth.

Madeleine L'EngleMadeleine L'Engle - A Wrinkle in Time
J.K. RowlingMadeleine L'Engle



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