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The Physics of Baseball

192 pages, 2002

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books

Baseball is America's favorite game, and no one offers a better explanation of its physics than Robert Adair. He gives a fascinating look at America's favorite sport and everything from the first batter to modern batting techniques. 

With a mix of scientific truth and sports knowledge, this book examines everything from the physics of pitching to the history of baseball cards. Sections on statistics, strategy, batting averages and more show how advances in medicine, technology, and even crowd psychology have transformed the game over time. This book offers a great gift for anyone with an interest in sports or a love of Americana.

Understanding the Science Behind Baseball

In 'The Physics of Baseball', Robert K. Adair explores the scientific principles that govern the game of baseball. He breaks down complex physics concepts into easy-to-understand language, making it a great read for both baseball enthusiasts and science buffs.

The Impact of Physics on Baseball Techniques

Adair digs into how physics impacts the techniques used in baseball. From the curve of a pitch to the angle of a bat swing, he explains how understanding physics can improve a player's game.

The Role of Equipment in Baseball

The book also takes a look at the role of equipment in baseball. Adair researches how the design and materials of bats, balls, and gloves can affect the game's outcome. This insight can help players choose their gear more wisely.

The Influence of Environmental Factors

Adair also explores how environmental factors like wind and altitude can affect a baseball's trajectory. This knowledge can help players and coaches strategize better, taking into account the playing conditions.

The Physics of Baseball as a Learning Tool

Finally, 'The Physics of Baseball' is not just a book for baseball fans. It's also a unique way to learn about physics. Adair uses real-world examples from baseball to explain scientific concepts, making the subject more accessible and engaging.

Quotes 3

Adair's book is a fascinating exploration of the science behind America's favorite pastime. It's a must-read for any baseball enthusiast.

Bill JamesBill James - Baseball Historian

The Physics of Baseball provides a unique and interesting perspective on the game. It's a treasure trove of information for anyone who loves baseball.

Tim KurkjianTim Kurkjian - ESPN Analyst

Adair's book is a masterful blend of science and sport. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the intricacies of baseball.

Joe PosnanskiJoe Posnanski - Sports Journalist
Bill JamesTim KurkjianJoe Posnanski


authorBill Nye

Bill Nye

educatormedia personalityauthor

The Physics of Baseball found in libraries

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