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The River of Doubt

416 pages, 2006

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

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999 books

With his sights set on the most punishing physical challenge he could find, Theodore Roosevelt—former President of the United States—embarked on a harrowing exploration of the River of Doubt, a black, uncharted tributary of the Amazon that snakes through one of the most treacherous jungles in the world. 

Indians armed with poison-tipped arrows haunt its shadows; piranhas glide through its waters; boulder-strewn rapids turn the river into a roiling cauldron. After his humiliating election defeat in 1912, Roosevelt set out with his son Kermit and Brazil’s most famous explorer, Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon, to accomplish a feat so great that many at the time refused to believe it was possible. In the process, he changed the map of the western hemisphere forever.

The Power of Perseverance

The River of Doubt by Candice Millard shows us the importance of perseverance. The book tells the story of Theodore Roosevelt's journey through the Amazon, where he faced numerous challenges but never gave up. It's a great reminder that no matter how tough things get, we should always keep going.

The Importance of Preparation

In the book, we see how lack of preparation can lead to disastrous consequences. Roosevelt and his team were ill-prepared for the harsh conditions of the Amazon, which led to many difficulties. This teaches us to always be prepared and do our research before embarking on any journey or project.

The Value of Teamwork

The River of Doubt emphasizes the importance of teamwork. Roosevelt and his team had to work together to survive the harsh conditions of the Amazon. This shows us that teamwork is crucial in overcoming challenges and achieving our goals.

The Beauty of Nature

Candice Millard's book also encourages us to appreciate the beauty of nature. Despite the dangers and difficulties, the Amazon's beauty and biodiversity are vividly described. It's a reminder to respect and protect our environment.

The Strength of Human Spirit

Lastly, The River of Doubt shows us the strength of the human spirit. Despite facing near-death experiences, Roosevelt and his team pushed through. It's a testament to the resilience and determination of the human spirit, inspiring us to face our own challenges with courage.

Quotes 5

A riveting narrative of peril and survival, 'The River of Doubt' is a must-read for anyone interested in history, exploration, and adventure.

Bill ClintonBill Clinton - 42nd U.S. President

Theodore RooseveltTheodore Roosevelt - 26th U.S. President

Ernest ShackletonErnest Shackleton - Polar Explorer

Candice Millard's 'The River of Doubt' is an extraordinary tale of adventure, courage, and the enduring spirit of Theodore Roosevelt.

David GrannDavid Grann - Journalist, Author

'The River of Doubt' is a thrilling, incredible journey into one of the most remote corners of the world.

Jon KrakauerJon Krakauer - Adventure Writer
Bill ClintonTheodore RooseveltErnest ShackletonDavid GrannJon Krakauer


authorRyan Holiday

Ryan Holiday


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