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The Wisdom Paradox

337 pages, 2006



705 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

The Wisdom Paradox explores the aging of the mind from a unique, positive perspective. In an era of increasing fears about mental deterioration, world-renowned neuropsychologist Elkhonon Goldberg provides startling new evidence that though the brain diminishes in some tasks as it ages, it gains in many ways.

Most notably, it increases in what he terms “wisdom”: the ability to draw upon knowledge and experience gained over a lifetime to make quick and effective decisions. Goldberg delves into the machinery of the mind, separating memory into two distinct types: singular (knowledge of a particular incident or fact) and generic (recognition of broader patterns).

As the brain ages, the ability to use singular memory declines, but generic memory is unaffected—and its importance grows. As an individual accumulates generic memory, the brain can increasingly rely upon these stored patterns to solve problems effortlessly and instantaneously.

Goldberg investigates the neurobiology of wisdom and draws on historical examples of artists and leaders whose greatest achievements were realized late in life.

The Aging Brain

In The Wisdom Paradox, Elkhonon Goldberg explores the concept of the aging brain. He suggests that as we age, our brains don't necessarily deteriorate but rather they change and adapt. This is a refreshing perspective that encourages us to see aging in a new light.

Cognitive Reserve

Goldberg introduces the concept of 'cognitive reserve'. This is the idea that our brains have a certain capacity to resist damage. By keeping our minds active and engaged, we can build up this reserve and potentially slow down the effects of aging on our brains.

The Power of Wisdom

The book emphasizes the power of wisdom. As we age, we may lose some of our quick thinking and memory skills, but we gain wisdom. Goldberg encourages us to see this as a positive trade-off and to value the wisdom that comes with age.

Brain Plasticity

Goldberg digs into the concept of brain plasticity. He suggests that our brains are not fixed but can change and adapt throughout our lives. This gives us hope that we can continue to learn and grow, no matter our age.

Practical Advice

The Wisdom Paradox is not just a theoretical book. Goldberg provides practical advice on how to keep our brains healthy and active. From physical exercise to mental challenges, he gives us tools to build our cognitive reserve and maintain our mental agility.


authorNassim Nicholas Taleb

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
