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This Is a Book

288 pages, 2012

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

This is the first book by comedian Demetri Martin. It was an instant and long-lasting bestseller, and he is renowned as a standup comedian, writer, and performer on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and his own Comedy Central series.

 These pages contain narrative essays, short stories, conceptual pieces (such as Protagonists Hospital, where doctors treat only the shoulder wounds of Hollywood action heroes) as well as characters and one-liners.

Humor as a Tool

Demetri Martin uses humor as a powerful tool to communicate his ideas. He shows us that laughter can be a great way to break down complex ideas and make them more digestible. So, why not explore using humor in your own communication?

Creativity in Storytelling

This Is a Book is a testament to Martin's creativity in storytelling. He doesn't stick to one style or format, but rather experiments with various forms. This encourages us to think outside the box in our own creative endeavors.

Observational Humor

One of the key elements of Martin's humor is his keen observational skills. He sees the world in a unique way and shares his perspective through his writing. This book encourages us to look at our own world with a fresh set of eyes.

The Power of Simplicity

Despite his complex ideas, Martin's writing is simple and accessible. He proves that you don't need to use big words or complicated sentences to convey deep thoughts. This is a great reminder to keep things simple in our own writing and communication.

Embrace the Absurd

In This Is a Book, Martin embraces the absurd and the ridiculous. He shows us that there's value in not taking life too seriously all the time. So, take a leaf out of his book and find the humor in your own life.


Rainn Wilson

Rainn Wilson


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