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To Be or Not To Be Intimidated

240 pages, 2003

business & management

business & management

1082 books


705 books


909 books

The book "How to Stop Being Intimidated" offers a candid look at what intimidation is, why you become intimidated, and how to avoid mental lapses that can cause even the most successful people to sometimes fall victim to intimidation.

Understanding Intimidation

In 'To Be or Not To Be Intimidated', Robert Ringer explores the concept of intimidation. He suggests that it's not always about physical strength or power, but often about manipulation and control. It's a must-read if you've ever felt overpowered or manipulated in any situation.

The Power of Self-Confidence

Ringer emphasizes the importance of self-confidence in dealing with intimidation. He believes that when you trust in your abilities and stand your ground, you can resist being intimidated. So, take a look at this book to find out how to boost your self-confidence.

The Reality Perspective

One of the key takeaways from the book is the concept of 'Reality Perspective'. Ringer encourages readers to see things as they really are, not as they wish them to be. This can help you make better decisions and avoid being manipulated.

The Importance of Assertiveness

Ringer highlights the importance of being assertive. He suggests that being assertive can help you resist intimidation and stand up for your rights. So, if you've ever struggled with assertiveness, this book can provide some valuable insights.

Dealing with Intimidators

In 'To Be or Not To Be Intimidated', Ringer provides practical strategies for dealing with intimidators. He suggests that understanding their tactics and motivations can help you resist their attempts to control or manipulate you. So, if you want to learn how to deal with intimidators effectively, this book is worth checking out.


Scott Pape

Scott Pape


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