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320 pages, 2020



705 books


909 books

Weird is the new normal—at least according to Atlantic staff writer Olga Khazan, who reclaims the concept of being different and shows how being weird can be a strength. Even if you don't feel like an outsider, chances are that you have something "weird" about you—as do many other people. 

Growing up as a Russian immigrant in West Texas, Olga Khazan always felt there was something different about her. This feeling has permeated her life, and as she embarked on a science writing career, she realized there were connections between this feeling of being an outsider and both her struggles and successes later in life.

 She decided to reach out to other people who were unique in their environments to see if they had experienced similar feelings of alienation and if so, to learn how they overcame them.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

In 'Weird', Olga Khazan encourages us to embrace our uniqueness. She argues that being different isn't a bad thing, but rather a strength that can be harnessed. So, don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd, it might just be your superpower.

The Power of Non-Conformity

Khazan's book explores the power of non-conformity. She suggests that going against the grain can lead to innovation and progress. So, if you've ever felt like an outsider, this book will show you how to turn that into a positive.

Understanding Social Norms

The book also helps us understand social norms and why we feel the need to fit in. Khazan's research shows that our desire to conform is deeply rooted in our biology. But, she also shows that breaking these norms can lead to great success.

The Role of Culture

In 'Weird', Khazan digs into the role of culture in shaping our identities. She shows how our cultural background can influence our behavior and perception of the world. This book will help you see the world from a different perspective.

Resilience and Adaptation

Lastly, the book teaches us about resilience and adaptation. Khazan shares stories of people who have faced adversity due to their 'weirdness' but have managed to thrive. This book will inspire you to stay true to yourself, no matter what.


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