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What’s Your Problem?

business & management

business & management

1082 books

As a result of a survey, leaders, and employees of 85 percent of companies often find themselves working on the wrong problems. Their consequences are severe: they fight the wrong strategic battles, spend their energy on low-impact work, build products that nobody wants, and implement solutions that somehow make things worse, not better.

 Everywhere you look, the waste is staggering. Authors Peter Drucker and Karl Weick pointed out that there's nothing more dangerous than the right answer to the wrong question. There is a way to do better. The key is reframing—a crucial, underutilized skill that you can master thanks to this book.

Reframe Your Problems

In 'What’s Your Problem?' by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, he emphasizes the importance of reframing your problems. Instead of getting stuck on a single solution, try to see the problem from different angles. This can lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

The Power of Questions

The book encourages readers to ask more and better questions. By doing so, you can dig deeper into the problem and find the root cause. This can help you come up with a solution that actually solves the problem, rather than just treating the symptoms.

The Seven Practices of Effective Problem Solvers

Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg introduces seven practices of effective problem solvers in his book. These include understanding the problem, breaking it down, seeking different perspectives, and more. By following these practices, you can become a more effective problem solver.

The Importance of Perspective

In 'What’s Your Problem?', the author highlights the importance of perspective in problem-solving. By looking at the problem from different perspectives, you can gain new insights and come up with more creative solutions.

Problem-Solving is a Skill

The book makes it clear that problem-solving is a skill that can be learned and improved. By practicing the techniques and strategies outlined in the book, you can become a more effective problem solver and make better decisions in your personal and professional life.

Quotes 3

What's Your Problem? is a game changer. It's rare to find a book that changes the way you see the world. This one does.

Daniel PinkDaniel Pink - Bestselling Author

This book is a beacon of relief. It provides an innovative yet practical solution to a common problem: jumping to solutions too quickly.

Adam GrantAdam Grant - Organizational Psychologist

This book is a must-read. It provides a practical guide to reframing problems and coming up with more innovative solutions.

Roger MartinRoger Martin - Academic Writer
Daniel PinkAdam GrantRoger Martin


authorAdam Grant

Adam Grant

authorEric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt


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