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Why Liberalism Failed

264 pages, 2019

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


711 books


999 books

Liberalism—the ideology that has become synonymous with Western civilization—has reached the end of its shelf life, according to Patrick Deneen's provocative book Why Liberalism Failed. 

The book describes how liberalism's core contradictions are causing it to implode: It preaches equality while fostering incomparable material inequality; its legitimacy is based on consent, but it discourages civic commitments in favor of privatism; and it promotes individual autonomy, but the centripetal forces at work on our political culture are not defects on the surface, but rather intrinsic aspects of a system whose success is causing its own collapse.

The Failure of Liberalism

In 'Why Liberalism Failed', Patrick J. Deneen argues that liberalism has failed not because it fell short, but because it was too successful. He believes that it has so thoroughly permeated our society and values that it's now causing the very problems it was meant to solve.

Individualism and Its Consequences

Deneen suggests that liberalism's focus on individual freedom has led to a society where people feel isolated and disconnected. He encourages readers to explore how this emphasis on individualism has impacted their relationships and communities.

The Role of the State and Market

The book also takes a look at the relationship between the state and the market in a liberal society. Deneen argues that they have become too intertwined, leading to a loss of true freedom and autonomy for individuals and communities.

Liberalism and Nature

Deneen digs into the liberal view of nature as something to be conquered and used for human benefit. He suggests that this perspective has led to environmental degradation and encourages readers to consider alternative views of our relationship with the natural world.

The Need for a New Political Philosophy

In 'Why Liberalism Failed', Deneen doesn't just critique liberalism, he also calls for a new political philosophy. He believes that we need to move beyond liberalism to find a more sustainable and fulfilling way of life. This book is a great starting point for anyone interested in exploring new political ideas.

Quotes 4

Patrick Deneen's book 'Why Liberalism Failed' is a groundbreaking critique of the political philosophy that dominates our world.

David BrooksDavid Brooks - Political commentator

Deneen's 'Why Liberalism Failed' is a significant contribution to the most important philosophical and political debates of our time.

Ross DouthatRoss Douthat - Author, Columnist

Patrick Deneen's 'Why Liberalism Failed' is a sobering examination of the failures of the liberal project.

George WillGeorge Will - Political commentator

Deneen's 'Why Liberalism Failed' is a profound exploration of the state of liberal democracy.

Rod DreherRod Dreher - Writer, Editor
David BrooksRoss DouthatGeorge WillRod Dreher



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