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Work Clean

304 pages, 2016



909 books
business & management

business & management

1082 books

Work Clean, the first book on mise-en-place outside the kitchen, reveals how to apply this French culinary term to any work.

Led by Dan Charnas, who interviewed dozens of renowned chefs and executives, including Thomas Keller and Alfred Portale, this essential guide offers a simple system to focus your actions and accomplish your work.

The Power of Mise-en-Place

In Work Clean, Dan Charnas introduces us to the concept of 'mise-en-place', a French culinary term meaning 'everything in its place'. This principle is all about organizing and arranging the ingredients and tools needed for cooking. Charnas suggests that this principle can be applied to our work and personal lives to increase productivity and reduce stress.

Plan Your Work

Charnas emphasizes the importance of planning in achieving efficiency. He suggests starting each day with a plan, outlining what needs to be done and when. This helps to keep you focused and prevents you from being overwhelmed by unexpected tasks or distractions.

Clean as You Go

One of the key takeaways from Work Clean is the 'clean as you go' principle. Just like in a professional kitchen, Charnas suggests that we should clean up our workspaces and complete tasks as we go along, rather than leaving everything until the end of the day. This helps to maintain a clear and productive work environment.

Time Management

Charnas explores the concept of time management in Work Clean. He suggests that we should treat time as a finite resource and use it wisely. This involves prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and avoiding procrastination.

The Importance of Routine

In the book, Charnas highlights the importance of establishing routines. He believes that routines can help us to work more efficiently and effectively, as they reduce the need for decision-making and allow us to focus on the task at hand. He encourages us to create daily, weekly, and monthly routines to structure our work and personal lives.


Nat Eliason

Nat Eliason


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