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I Love You More Than My Dog

256 pages, 2009

business & management

business & management

1082 books
Hundreds of companies have customers who love them, but only an elite few have true fans—passionate, loyal, vocal enthusiasts—who rave about them to anyone who will listen. Jeanne Bliss, who served as a senior customer executive at five major companies, has studied and worked with dozens of beloved companies, and she has identified five key decisions that lead to customer devotion: 1. Decide to believe 2. Decide with clarity of purpose 3. Decide to be real 4. Decide to be there 5. Decide to say "sorry" Her examples and advice will help readers sustain growth and profit even in a tough economy.
The Power of Love in Business

In 'I Love You More Than My Dog', Jeanne Bliss explores the idea that love and care can be powerful tools in business. She suggests that companies who treat their customers with genuine affection and respect often enjoy more loyalty and success.

Beloved Companies

The book takes a look at 'beloved' companies - those that have earned a special place in their customers' hearts. Bliss shows us how these companies have managed to create a strong emotional bond with their customers, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

Decisions Made with Clarity

Bliss emphasizes the importance of making decisions with clarity and purpose. She argues that when companies are clear about their values and make decisions that align with these values, they are more likely to earn the trust and loyalty of their customers.

The Role of Employees

In 'I Love You More Than My Dog', we see that employees play a crucial role in creating beloved companies. When employees are treated well and feel valued, they are more likely to pass on this positive experience to the customers they interact with.

The Five Decisions

The book digs into the 'Five Decisions' that beloved companies make: Decide to Believe, Decide with Clarity of Purpose, Decide to Be Real, Decide to Be There, and Decide to Say Sorry. These decisions, according to Bliss, are what set these companies apart and make them beloved by their customers.


authorTony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor