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Modern Elementary Particle Physics

240 pages, 2017

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

Fully updated to incorporate the latest developments in particle physics, this widely acclaimed text provides an accessible introduction to the Standard Model. Long and detailed calculations have been replaced by simple approximate ones, allowing students with basic knowledge of quantum theory to follow the description of the theory without further study. 

The text includes introductions to accelerators, colliders, and detectors, and several main experimental tests of the Standard Model are explained. Areas, where new developments are emerging, are clearly highlighted, and it emphasizes the concepts of gauge theories and Higgs physics, electroweak unification, symmetry breaking, and how force strengths vary with energy. With its clear and engaging style, this new edition retains its essential simplicity.

Understanding the Basics of Particle Physics

Gordon Kane's book, Modern Elementary Particle Physics, is a great starting point for anyone interested in the field. He breaks down complex concepts into understandable terms, making it easier for beginners to grasp the basics of particle physics.

Exploring the World of Quarks and Leptons

In this book, you'll explore the fascinating world of quarks and leptons. Kane provides a detailed explanation of these elementary particles, helping you understand their role in the universe.

Insight into Theoretical Physics

Kane's book offers a deep insight into theoretical physics. He explains the theories behind the Standard Model of particle physics, giving you a better understanding of the fundamental forces and particles that make up our universe.

Research on Particle Accelerators

Modern Elementary Particle Physics also delves into the research conducted using particle accelerators. Kane explains how these machines work and their importance in the study of particle physics.

The Future of Particle Physics

Lastly, the book gives you a glimpse into the future of particle physics. Kane discusses potential advancements and challenges in the field, encouraging you to think about what's next in this exciting area of study.


Eric Weinstein

Eric Weinstein

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