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128 pages, 2016



1382 books
arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books
She opens her new collection with a powerful and tender ‘Ode to the Hymen’, an age-old poetic form that she uses to address many aspects of herself. By turns searing and charming in its honesty, Olds treats us to an intimate self-examination that is universal and familiar. In such poems as ‘Ode to My Sister’, ‘Ode of Broken Loyalty’, ‘Ode to My Whiteness’, ‘Blow Job Ode’ and ‘Ode to the Last 38 Trees in New York City Visible from This Window’, Olds touches upon parts of her story which we have seen before. Like all her work, the final result is universal yet personal.
Exploration of Everyday Life

In 'Odes', Sharon Olds takes us on a journey through the ordinary and everyday. She explores the beauty and complexity of mundane objects and experiences, encouraging us to see the world around us in a new light. You'll find yourself looking at your daily life with a fresh perspective.

Emotional Honesty

Olds is known for her emotional honesty, and 'Odes' is no exception. She isn't afraid to dig into her feelings and share them with the reader. This book will inspire you to be more open and honest about your own emotions.

Celebration of the Human Body

One of the key themes in 'Odes' is the celebration of the human body. Olds explores this theme in a way that is both intimate and universal. She encourages us to appreciate our bodies, with all their flaws and imperfections.

Powerful Use of Language

Sharon Olds' use of language in 'Odes' is powerful and evocative. She uses words to paint vivid pictures and evoke strong emotions. This book will make you appreciate the power of language and might even inspire you to try your hand at writing.

Exploration of Femininity

In 'Odes', Olds takes a deep look into the concept of femininity. She explores what it means to be a woman in today's world, challenging traditional notions and stereotypes. This book will make you think about your own understanding of gender and femininity.


authorRupi Kaur

Rupi Kaur
