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The Coldest Winter

719 pages, 2008



999 books

A powerful new rendering of the events that led to the Korean War: one of the most dramatic and pivotal moments of the Cold War. David Halberstam's magisterial, thrilling account garners critical acclaim as a defining book on America's role in the Vietnam conflict. More than three decades later, Halberstam uses his unrivaled research and formidable journalistic skills to shed light on another pivotal moment in our history: the Korean War. He charts the disastrous path that led to massive casualties among United Nations troops near the Yalu River and that caught Douglas MacArthur and his soldiers by surprise. The New York Times Book Review called this "the most comprehensive single-volume history of the war yet produced. "

Understanding the Korean War

David Halberstam's The Coldest Winter gives you a deep understanding of the Korean War. It's not just about the battles, but also the politics, the personalities, and the decisions that shaped this conflict. You'll see how it all unfolded, from the initial invasion to the final ceasefire.

Insight into Leadership

The book offers a unique look into the leadership during the Korean War. Halberstam explores the strengths and weaknesses of key figures like General Douglas MacArthur and President Harry Truman. You'll see how their decisions impacted the war and the world.

The Impact of the Korean War

The Coldest Winter helps you understand the lasting impact of the Korean War. It wasn't just a forgotten conflict, but a pivotal moment in the Cold War that still affects international relations today. Check out how the war shaped the future of Korea, the United States, and the world.

The Human Side of War

Halberstam doesn't just focus on the big picture. He also takes a look at the experiences of the soldiers on the ground. You'll see the war through their eyes, understanding the hardships they faced and the sacrifices they made.

The Power of Journalism

David Halberstam was a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and his skills shine through in The Coldest Winter. He digs into the facts, interviews key figures, and paints a vivid picture of the Korean War. You'll see the power of journalism to uncover the truth and tell compelling stories.

Quotes 3

David Halberstam's 'The Coldest Winter' is a masterpiece about a forgotten time in our history. It's a riveting, poignant reminder of the costs of war.

Bill ClintonBill Clinton - 42nd U.S. President

Halberstam's 'The Coldest Winter' is a monumental work of history, illuminating the Korean War's significance in global context.

George PackerGeorge Packer - Journalist, Novelist

David Halberstam's 'The Coldest Winter' is a brilliant, mesmerizing account of a war that shaped the modern world.

Walter IsaacsonWalter Isaacson - Biographer, Journalist
Bill ClintonGeorge PackerWalter Isaacson


Bill Rasmussen

Bill Rasmussen


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