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The Eye of the World

688 pages, 1990



1382 books

Great forces are on the move, and there are none who can stand against the Shadow in this third and final book in The Wheel of Time.

The Power of Destiny

In The Eye of the World, Robert Jordan explores the concept of destiny. The main characters are ordinary people who are thrust into extraordinary circumstances. They learn that they can't escape their fate, but they can choose how to face it. This book encourages us to embrace our own destinies, no matter how daunting they may seem.

The Importance of Friendship

The Eye of the World emphasizes the importance of friendship and loyalty. The characters face numerous challenges, but they overcome them by sticking together and supporting each other. This book reminds us that we're stronger together and that true friends are invaluable.

The Struggle Between Good and Evil

Robert Jordan presents a classic struggle between good and evil in this book. He shows that even in a world filled with darkness, there's always a glimmer of hope. It's a reminder that we all have the power to choose good over evil in our own lives.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

The Eye of the World takes us on a journey of self-discovery. As the characters travel through the world, they learn more about themselves and their capabilities. This book encourages us to embark on our own journeys of self-discovery and to embrace the growth that comes with it.

The Beauty of Diversity

In his book, Jordan creates a diverse world filled with different cultures, races, and creatures. He shows that despite our differences, we can coexist and work together towards a common goal. This book encourages us to appreciate and celebrate diversity in our own world.

Quotes 4

Robert Jordan's The Eye of the World is a masterstroke of epic fantasy. It's a must-read for any fan of the genre.

George R.R. MartinGeorge R.R. Martin - Epic Fantasy Author

The Eye of the World is a testament to Jordan's storytelling prowess. It's a journey that will captivate you from the first page to the last.

Brandon SandersonBrandon Sanderson - Fantasy, Science Fiction

The Eye of the World is a masterclass in world-building and character development. It's a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page.

Patrick RothfussPatrick Rothfuss - Fantasy Novelist

The Eye of the World is a triumph of imagination and storytelling. It's a book that will transport you to a world unlike any other.

Terry GoodkindTerry Goodkind - Epic Fantasy Writer
George R.R. MartinBrandon SandersonPatrick RothfussTerry Goodkind


Sophie Bakalar

Sophie Bakalar

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

The Eye of the World found in libraries

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