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The Jazz of Physics

267 pages, 2017

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

A spectacular musical and scientific journey from the Bronx to the cosmic horizon reveals the astonishing links between jazz, science, Einstein, and Coltrane. More than fifty years ago, John Coltrane drew the twelve musical notes in a circle and connected them by straight lines, forming a five-pointed star. Inspired by Einstein, Coltrane put physics and geometry at the core of his music. 

Physicist and jazz musician Stephon Alexander follows suit, using jazz to answer physic's most vexing questions about the past and future of the universe. Following the great minds that first drew the links between music and physics-a list including Pythagoras, Kepler, Newton, Einstein, and Rakim-The Jazz of Physics reveals that the ancient poetic idea of the Music of the Spheres, taken seriously, clarifies confounding issues in physics. The Jazz of Physics will fascinate and inspire anyone interested in the mysteries of our universe, music, and life itself. 

The Connection Between Music and Physics

In The Jazz of Physics, Stephon Alexander explores the deep connection between music, specifically jazz, and the laws of physics. He shows how the rhythms, harmonies, and improvisations in jazz can be linked to the fundamental structures and laws of the universe. This is a fascinating look into how music and science intertwine.

The Importance of Creativity in Science

Alexander emphasizes the role of creativity and intuition in scientific discoveries. Just like a jazz musician improvises, a physicist also needs to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas. This book encourages you to see the creative side of science.

The Universe as a Cosmic Symphony

The Jazz of Physics presents the universe as a kind of cosmic symphony. Alexander uses the metaphor of music to explain complex physics concepts like string theory and quantum mechanics. This unique perspective can help you understand these concepts in a new light.

The Influence of John Coltrane

Alexander is deeply influenced by jazz legend John Coltrane, who himself was interested in physics and mathematics. The book explores how Coltrane's music was inspired by these subjects, and how it in turn inspires Alexander's work as a physicist. This is a great example of how different fields can influence and enrich each other.

The Interplay of Science and Art

The Jazz of Physics is not just about physics or music, but about the interplay of science and art. It shows how these seemingly different fields can come together to create something beautiful and profound. This book invites you to look at science and art in a new way, and find the beauty in both.

Quotes 3

Stephon Alexander returns us to the wonder of our cosmic habitat, revealing the deep and creative role of music in the fabric of the universe.

Brian GreeneBrian Greene - Theoretical physicist

The Jazz of Physics is a mesmerizing tale of how the universe works and how music is a window into the patterns of the cosmos.

Janna LevinJanna Levin - Astrophysicist

Stephon Alexander's book is a passionate journey through the cosmos, and it makes you see the world with new eyes.

Anthony DoerrAnthony Doerr - Novelist
Brian GreeneJanna LevinAnthony Doerr


Eric Weinstein

Eric Weinstein

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