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272 pages, 2020

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

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392 books

At the age of twenty-five, Susan Fowler made the brave decision to take a stand and publicly share her experiences of sexual harassment and retaliation at Uber, which ultimately led to the ousting of the company's powerful CEO.

Her blog post stirred a revolution, inspiring women around the world to come forward and speak out about their own experiences. Time Magazine named her one of the "Silence Breakers" who ignited the #MeToo movement, and now Fowler is ready to tell her full story.

In Whistleblower, Fowler recounts her extraordinary journey from an impoverished childhood to an Ivy League education and finally to a coveted position at one of the most powerful companies in Silicon Valley.

Throughout her life, she has faced prejudice and injustice, yet she has refused to accept her circumstances and fought back against those who have mistreated her. But when she encountered Uber's pervasive culture of sexism, racism, harassment, and abuse and realized that the company would do nothing to stop it, she knew she had to act.

The Power of Speaking Up

Susan Fowler's book, Whistleblower, shows us the importance of speaking up against injustice. She bravely shared her experiences of sexual harassment at Uber, sparking a global conversation about workplace culture. It's a reminder that one voice can make a difference.

Workplace Culture Matters

Fowler's experiences highlight the significance of a healthy workplace culture. She faced discrimination and retaliation at Uber, which led to her decision to blow the whistle. It's a wake-up call for companies to prioritize a respectful and inclusive environment.

The Role of Leadership

In Whistleblower, Fowler points out the role of leadership in shaping company culture. She suggests that Uber's leadership failed to address the issues she raised, leading to a toxic work environment. It's a lesson for leaders to take responsibility and act on employee concerns.

The Impact of Technology

Fowler's book also explores the impact of technology on our lives. She discusses her passion for technology and how it led her to a career in Silicon Valley. However, she also experienced the dark side of the tech industry, which is something to consider as we navigate our digital world.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Throughout Whistleblower, we see Fowler's journey of self-discovery. Despite the challenges she faced, she remained resilient and found her voice. It's an inspiring story that encourages us to stand up for what we believe in and discover our own strength.


Delian Asparouhov

Delian Asparouhov

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

Whistleblower found in libraries

498 books

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